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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Google Chrome vs Chromium

Google Chrome Chromium Notes
Logo Colorful Blue
Crash reporting Yes, if you turn it on None Please include symbolized backtraces in bug reports if you don't have crash reporting
User metrics Yes, if you turn it on No
Video and audio tags AAC, MP3, Vorbis and Theora Vorbis and Theora by default May vary by distro
Adobe Flash custom (non-free) plugin included in release supports NPAPI plugins, including the one from Adobe
PDF support custom (non-free) plugin included in release downloads and displays with system PDF viewer The Chrome PDF plugin uses 3rd-party non-free code; no Free Software PDF plugin exists that supports all the PDF features we'd like (such as filling in forms). :(
Code Tested by Chrome developers May be modified by distributions Please include distribution information if you report bugs
Sandbox Always on Depending on the distribution (navigate to about:sandbox to confirm)
Package Single deb/rpm Depending on the distribution
Profile Kept in ~/.config/google-chrome Kept in ~/.config/chromium
Cache Kept in ~/.cache/google-chrome Kept in ~/.cache/chromium
Quality Assurance New releases are tested before sending to users Depending on the distribution Distributions are encouraged to track stable channel releases: see , and
Google API keys Added by Google Depending on the distribution See