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Monday, December 26, 2011

Google Apps Deployment for Small Business

These are the steps to be followed for a small business deployment
  1. Verify your domain – use a txt record or html file upload on your DNS hosting server
  2. Add users – bulk upload using CSV, optionally you can use Sherpa Tools to manage your shared contacts.
  3. Activate email – replace the current MX records with the new Google MX records. See Figure 1.0 below.
  4. Set up mobile devices – Install the device policy app from market in android and give the credentials for syncing. See Figure 1.1 below. Also see this link for more details on blackberry configuration
  5. Migrate data - Migrate your current pst data using google tools for migration. Also see this link.
  6. Sync email with other clients - use google tools to sync your data with google apps. Also see the google apps sync for ms outlook and IMAP configuration
You can also start the wizard at any time: Log in to your control panel at<your_domain> and click the Setup tab.
The Setup Wizard will guide you through the entire setup process. Using the wizard, most customers can set up Google Apps in under an hour.
click here for more details

Figure 1.0 – shows where you can get your mx records in the admin  dashboard
google mx

Figure 1.1 – shows where you can manage your mobile devices after syncing
mobile devices 

See this video for a better picture

Check the Transition Guide here