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Friday, December 12, 2008

Reading A Microsoft Excel File In ColdFusion Using JExcel API


Alex said...

For work with excel files advise try-how to recover data in Excel spreadsheet after you save,as far as i know software is free,it can repair corrupted Microsoft Excel worksheets,restore data after problems with corrupted worksheet problem as a result of virus attack, disk and network failures or any other problem,an scan a damaged Microsoft Excel worksheet and repair it,work with *.xls, *.xlam, *.xltx, *.xlt and *.xlsm formats,recover modified Excel worksheets and shows recovered data in the same way, like it will be displayed in Microsoft Excel worksheet.

Alexis said...

I was in situation,when I added one element into my MS Excel and after I reopened file and data was damaged.But I used the google and I found-repair Excel xls.Tool solved all problems in two minutes and made it without payment.Moreover tool demonstrated recover worksheets in Microsoft Excel format.