Tech Rocks


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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Using ColdFusion For Network Monitoring

Using ColdFusion For Network Monitoring
As CF developers, we have implemented countless Web-based workflow and content management style applications. As an Internet service and hosting provider, however, we used a number of different technologies to monitor and manage our network. While a huge number of commercial and free software packages exist for managing various parts of a network, our employer lacked a single platform for managing corporate information and our network. Fortunately, we use ColdFusion so we're familiar with its extensibility and could take advantage of that to meet our need.
One of the key technologies used in monitoring our network was SNMP, the Simple Network Management Protocol. While the term "simple" may be relative, SNMP is an accepted standard for monitoring and managing network devices. Servers, routers, switches, UPSs, environment sensors, and nearly any other kind of network-connected device can often "speak" SNMP to communicate information about their operation and status.