Tech Rocks


An online resource for latest web technologies like Coldfusion, JRun, Pro*C, JQuery, HTML5, PHP, W3C, Java, J2EE, C, C++, ORACLE, PL/SQL, MySql, Ajax, Coldbox, Fusebox, UNIX, JavaScript, NodeJS and much more...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Loading Java Classes

Java in the Database
To make Java files available to the Oracle JVM, you must load them into the Oracle database as schema objects. loadjava can invoke the JVM's Java compiler, which compiles source files into standard class files.

Oracle9i Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide

Java and the RDBMS: A Robust Combination

Running Java in ORACLE Database

Kool Check this out!
Java for Stored Procedures
The Java language is by design an object-oriented programming language that has a built-in security mechanism and an efficient garbage collection system. Java also has a rich and very large set of standard libraries which results in quicker and lower-cost applications development. With Java stored procedures, developers have the ability to harness all above stated powers of Java when building database applications...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Programming ColdFusion MX: Web Services
When a client makes a request to a web service, it is said to be a consumer of that service. ColdFusion MX makes consuming web services simple. There are three ways to consume a web service in ColdFusion MX. You can use the cfinvoke tag, the cfobject tag, or the createObject( ) function. It's also possible to use the cfhttp tag to manually consume a web service. Because of the complexity involved with that method, I'm going to limit my coverage to the first three methods...

Extending ColdFusion with Servlets

Check This out!

Allaire Corporation's Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML) is perhaps the easiest way to generate dynamic web content from a database. Its tag-based scripting commands are simple for HTML authors to learn, yet powerful enough for building full-featured web applications. Since 1995, thousands of websites have been developed with Allaire's popular ColdFusion Application Server. Custom CF tags can be developed either in CFML or with the CFX plugin API in C++. The market for third-party custom tags is growing extremely quickly....

Java Servlets

Check This out!
Here's the outline of a basic servlet that handles GET requests. GET requests, for those unfamiliar with HTTP, are requests made by browsers when the user types in a URL on the address line, follows a link from a Web page, or makes an HTML form that does not specify a METHOD. Servlets can also very easily handle POST requests, which are generated when someone creates an HTML form that specifies METHOD="POST". We'll discuss that in later sections....

Friday, January 23, 2009

Setting Up ORACLE Server on Windows

Relevant Links

Wizard shows up click on custom setup and proceeds with the wizard.

Once done created database say g2lx & sid g2lx password abcd , SYS password abcdje
Open cmd prompt and sqlplus

See SQL Prompt

shows OEM console.
and the following:-
DB Instance
TNS Listener
ORA Agent

Above three listeners are down

Add the following in tnsnames.ora
g2lx =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hostname)(PORT = 1521))
(SID = g2lx)

Add it to LISTENER.ora






Now goto administrative tools> services make oracleServiceG2LX to manual mode by double clicking on it.

Goto cmd prompt and type lsnrctl
LSNRCTL> Prompt appears
SERVICE Listener
Shows active listener

Refresh OEM TNS LISTENER will start.
Try to click on ORA AGENT type in username :SYSTEM/SYS

If error occurs client hand off add the line in listener.ora
And Restart listener

Once this is done ORA Agent starts after this step you will be able to connect to local db from TOAD using

After this click on DB Instance in OEM Host Credentials Vanishes and Db Credentials Give Username:SYS
This will login to OEM

Compiling Pro*C with Borland C (Bcc32) Compiler and Oracle


Installing Pro*C
Install freecommandlinetools.exe FREE Borland C compiler.

-L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/lib


Add the above files in the bin folder

Copy E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\precomp\LIB\orasql10.lib to C:\Borland\bcc55\Bin
Run coff2omf orasql10.lib orasql10~.lib
In bin folder
Copy orasql10~.lib to E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\precomp\LIB

Copy all lib files of oracle to C:\Borland\bcc55\Lib folder
Copy all .h files in E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\precomp\public to C:\Borland\bcc55\Include

Restart cmd prompt
Create db.h
typedef unsigned char u_int8_t;
typedef unsigned short u_int16_t;
typedef unsigned int u_int32_t;
typedef unsigned __int64 u_int64_t;

#if defined __GNUC__
typedef short int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
typedef __int64 int64_t;

#if !defined __GNUC__
typedef u_int64_t uintmax_t;
#ifdef _WIN64
typedef u_int64_t uintptr_t;
typedef u_int32_t uintptr_t;

In C:\Borland\bcc55\Include

Now we are all set
Copy fun1.pc to bin folder C:\Borland\bcc55\Bin

VARCHAR uid[30];
VARCHAR pwd[30];
VARCHAR db[30];


void main()

uid.len =strlen(uid.arr);
pwd.len = strlen(pwd.arr);
strcpy(db.arr,"hostname_for localhost");
db.len = strlen(db.arr);


if (sqlca.sqlcode == 0)
printf("Connected to Oracle\n");


printf("Connection failed");

} /* end of main */
Run Proc fun1.pc
Run bcc32 /IC:E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\precomp\public fun1.c /LINK E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\precomp\LIB\orasql10~.lib
Run fun1

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Consuming Web Service complex types in ColdFusion

Check this out!

Handling complex data types

ColdFusion SOA back-end for Flex, AJAX using ColdSpring… Part 2
let’s set-up the application so we a configured and callable Business Object ....check this out!

BEA tries to move ColdFusion into SOA,289142,sid26_gci1180472,00.html
Claiming it can ease the movement of legacy ColdFusion applications into the world of Web services and SOA, BEA Systems, Inc. announced the availability Monday of BlueDragon, BEA WebLogic Edition. ... check this out!

Beyond SOA & Web Services - ColdFusion / .NET Integration

how to use external objects from ColdFusion (Web services and COM objects), as well as a fair understanding of the .NET architecture. On the one hand, there's your world, ColdFusion. On the other side is .NET. So what are our bridging options? ...check this out!

How an XSLT processor works
In this article, Benoît Marchal examines how an XSLT processor works. To demonstrate his point, he codes a special stylesheet that makes some aspects of the processing more visible. He pays special attention to the recursive nature of XSLT coding. A good understanding of the XSLT processor will help you be a more productive XSLT programmer....check it out!

Using XML-RPC for Web services
Popular Web applications can often overwhelm the hardware resources that service them. By using Web services middleware, developers can create an application architecture that is divided into logical components connected through the middleware, making it easier to eliminate performance bottlenecks. This is done by simply adding better processing to the problem area. XML-RPC is a simple Web service protocol that takes the pain out of building middleware...Kool isnt it!

SOA and Web services
Check this out!
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an IT architectural style that supports the transformation of your business into a set of linked services, or repeatable business tasks, that can be accessed when needed over a network. This may be a local network, it may be the Internet, or it may be geographically and technologically diverse, combining services in New York, London, and Hong Kong as though they were all installed on your local desktop. These services can coalesce to accomplish a specific business task, enabling your business to quickly adapt to changing conditions and requirements...

SOA Gateway

Check it out!
The SOA Gateway has been developed to:
Deliver STP capability across the value chain
Reduce time to access core data and business assets
Increase re-use of legacy data and business logic across the enterprise
Provide a secure single point of data entry across all channels and business applications
Reduce data and process duplication across the enterprise
Web Service enable core data and information assets, bringing life to core assets.
Data integration remains the Achilles heel of current SOA initiatives.

Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures
Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures . check this out!

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) definition

Kool Site!

Oracle Service-Oriented Architecture

Check this out!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Getting to grips with: AJAX - Web Services

Web Services - Episode 5

How to create db connection in JDeveloper

UML class diagram

Creating UML Use Case Diagrams

UML tutotrial

XML Schema Editor / Editing XML Schema

Learn how to use the Graphical WSDL editor in XMLSpy

Invoking Yahoo's REST Web Services from BPEL

Oracle SOA Integration Future

ActiveBPEL Demonstration

BPEL Orchestration for SOA Infrastructure

Oracle BPEL - Hello World Example


NetBeans SOA Tools, Composite Application, CASA

Tutorial "creating web services" with NetBeans

web service tutorial

Building Axis2 Web Service In Eclipse With Java

Eclipse Web Service Composition

ColdFusion 8, A Quick Look at the cfAjaxProxy Tag

ColdFusion 8, A Quick Look at the cfdiv tag

Model-Glue:Unity - ColdFusion Blog in 15 Minutes

Learning Coldfusion Chapter 2 - First ColdFusion Page

How to suggest a site to the Open Directory
The Open Directory Project is a web directory of Internet resources. A web directory is something akin to a huge reference library. The directory is hierarchically arranged by subject - from broad to specific. The ODP is maintained by community editors who evaluate sites for inclusion in the directory. They are our experts, and all submissions are subject to editor evaluation...

PageRank In The Google Directory

Did you know there’s a place in Google where pages are listed because human editors have selected them, rather than Google’s crawling of the web? It’s called the Google Directory, and it’s based on work done by editors at the Open Directory Project.

Search Engine Optimization Tools - Keyword Analysis Tool

Search Engine Optimization Tools » Keyword Analysis Tool
Our Keyword Analyser will read the page you specify and give a report on what words are used, and how many times they are used.

Translate text or webpage

KOOL Isn't it!

Enter a search phrase in your own language to find information in other languages.

Get translation with a single click and make your webpage instantly available in other languages.

What are Google SMS Channels?
What are Google SMS Channels?

Google SMS Channels is a service that enables channels/groups on SMS. It's a free service that enables you to get premium content published by Google publishing partners, Google popular products (Google News, Blogger and Google Groups) and websites with RSS/Atom support for free. SMS Channels allows you to create your own channel(s) to publish content that other users can subscribe to. You can also create groups over SMS to communicate with your friends, family, and co-workers.

Google SMS Channels
Check this out!

Access Google Note Book
Really cool!

Friday, January 9, 2009

ColdFusion 8 Brands With Adobe
ColdFusion's latest version emerges for the first time under the Adobe brand name; it's changed a lot since its early dot-com days of doing database calls for HTML. The arrival of the public beta of Adobe ColdFusion 8 finds a substantially different product than what existed in the late 20th Century.

ColdFusion 8 Developer Tutorial
An intense guide to creating professional ColdFusion web applications: get up to speed in ColdFusion and learn how to integrate with other web 2.0 technologies

Fast-paced guide to important ColdFusion development topics
Packed with example code and real-world knowledge
Coverage of using AJAX in ColdFusion
Also covers ColdFusion 8 Update 1

Adobe ColdFusion 8 Beta Goes Public

Adobe releases a public beta of the latest version of its ColdFusion Web development system, ColdFusion 8.
ColdFusion 8 Review
Manipulating PDFsWhen it comes to PDFs, the ‘CFML’ programming language built into ColdFusion allows you to dynamically populate and read data from PDF documents and forms alike. With the new CFPDF tag you can merge several PDF documents into one, delete pages, merge pages, optimize PDFs, and remove interactivity from forms created in Acrobat. It’s a compliment to Acrobat, though you don’t necessarily need a full version of Acrobat.
You can use this to enter data on to the screen, or as a means of populating a form using data stored within a central (or off-site) database. This is ideal if you need to produce passes for a college, for instance – you can produce a PDF file requiring a name, age, student number and photograph, then draw the data from an off-site database.

ColdFusion 8: Believe The Hype
Whether you've never used ColdFusion before, you're considering coming back to the fold, or you're looking for a good reason to upgrade, ColdFusion 8 definitely deserves your consideration. Indeed, ColdFusion 8 represents a major release, with more new features than I could possibly cover in a single article. In short, now is a very good time to be a ColdFusion developer, and in this article we'll look at my favorite reasons why.

vi Configuration
A variety of commands can be entered while in command mode to set up vi just how you like it. Depending on your editor, you can enable features to make programming easier (like syntax hilighting, auto-indenting, and more), set up macros to automake tasks, enable textual substitutions, and more.
Almost all of these commands can be put into a configuration file in your home directory. elvis expects a .exrc file, while vim expects a .vimrc file. Most of the setup commands that can be entered in command mode can be placed in the configuration file. This includes setup information, textual substitutions, macros, and more.

Understanding file permissions on Unix: a brief tutorial

Understanding file permissions on Unix: a brief tutorial

Every user on a Unix system has a unique username, and is a member of at least one group (the primary group for that user). This group information is held in the password file (/etc/passwd). A user can also be a member of one or more other groups. The auxiliary group information is held in the file /etc/group. Only the administrator can create new groups or add/delete group members (one of the shortcomings of the system).
Every directory and file on the system has an owner, and also an associated group. It also has a set of permission flags which specify separate read, write and execute permissions for the 'user' (owner), 'group', and 'other' (everyone else with an account on the computer) The 'ls' command shows the permissions and group associated with files when used with the -l option. On some systems (e.g. Coos), the '-g' option is also needed to see the group information.

SSH Secure Shell for Workstations

This download is for Armstrong Atlantic State University students ONLY.Before downloading, please read the license agreement below.

Telnet/SSH and the Command Line

Open your favorite Telnet client (On Windows, you can use Start > Run > telnet )
connect to e.g.
When asked for the username, enter root (even if you changed username in web interface)
When asked for the password, enter your router's password

Command Line Options

Command Line Options
For some purposes it may be useful to operate SSH Secure Shell for Workstations from the command line (command prompt).

SSH and basic commands
What is SSH?
SSH is a protocol that allows you to connect to a remote computer - for example, your Web server - and type commands to be carried out on that computer, such as moving and copying files, creating directories (folders), and running scripts. To talk to your Web server via SSH, you need an SSH client on your computer - see below - and you also need three pieces of information:

Connecting using an SSH client on Windows
There are many free and commercial SSH client programs available for Windows. A good, popular free client is PuTTY. To use it, simply download the putty.exe file, then double-click putty.exe on your computer to run it. You'll see PuTTY's configuration dialog appear:

Connecting using an SSH client on Mac OS X or Linux
If you use a Mac or run Linux, you're in luck, as Mac OS X and Linux both come with a built-in SSH client. To use it, you first need to open a terminal window. On Mac OS X, you can do this by double-clicking the Terminal application inside Applications/Utilities in the Finder. To open a terminal on Linux, consult your distribution's documentation; usually it's available via the applications menu.

UNIX Basic Commands

Misc commands
File management
comparison and searching
Text processing
Shell and other programming
Storage commands
System status

PostgreSQL's ecpg follows the ANSI standard for embedding SQL in C code, and what follows will be familiar to programmers who have used systems such as Oracle's PRO*C or Informix's ESQL-C. At the time of writing some of the less used features of embedded SQL are not supported, and the standard documentation for ecpg that ships with PostgreSQL is somewhat limited.Since we have now worked through many of the basics of SQL, this section will actually be quite short. The first problem that has to be tackled is how to delimit sections in the file that the ecpg pre-processor needs to process. This is done with the special sequence in the source that starts 'exec sql', then contains the SQL you want to execute, and ends with a ';'. Depending on the exact syntax, as we shall see in a moment, this can either be a single line that needs to be processed, or it can be used to mark a section that needs pre-processing. If we want to write a simple C program that performs a single UPDATE statement in the middle of some C code, we need to do only one thing in the source code - embed the UPDATE SQL statement....

An Introduction to the Unix Shell
An Introduction to the Unix Shell
This is an HTMLized version of Steve Bourne's original shell tutorial. I found the source at and generated my own copy with troff, which I then edited into an HTML version.
This 1978 classic (not sure about the exact date, corrections welcome) is not only historically interesting, it's still a good tutorial as long as you keep in mind that some minor details like the terminal interface have changed quite a bit (DEL is not usually the interrupt character anymore, etc). The same goes, by the way, for a lot of the old Unix documentation from Murray Hill, including the excellent book The Unix Programming Environment by Kernighan and Pike.

About FTP Unix
FTP is short for File Transfer Protocol, this page contains additional information about the FTP command and help using that command in Unix and MS-DOS (Windows). See our FTP section in our dictionary for a complete definition on FTP.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

PageRank glossary

Refers to Google's "PageRank" algorithm, frequently abbreviated to PR. Google's PageRank algorithm is used by the search engine to score pages based on the number of other pages that link to it and is used to give an indication of the relative importance of a page. Generally speaking pages with a higher page rank will be returned before those with lower page ranks on the search engine's results page (cf SERP). A high PageRank is therefore highly desirable.
The score assigned (or at least the score which is made visible to those outside of Google) is in the range 0 to 10, where 0 is very bad and 10 is extremely high (good). It has been suggested that:
PageRank 0
Often indicates that the page rank has not yet been assigned, or that the site has no inbound links.
PageRank 1 to 2
Very few inbound links, and those links are from low ranking sites.
PageRank 3
Site has some inbound links, either a large number of low quality links or a few links of good quality. Site will be returned on search results, but will tend to be outranked by other competitive sites.
PageRank 4
Site has many good inbound links. An achievable target for most small clubs and companies.
PageRank 5
Site has many good inbound links. Achievable with work. This is the highest PageRank that most sites can realistically aspire to.
PageRank 6
Very difficult to obtain because of the number and quality of inbound links required.
PageRank 7-10
Extremely difficult to obtain for all but the most popular websites. Often only obtained by websites that have become household names.